There is only 1 size of Balaïtous, but 4 sizes of leather
To find the right leather size for your pet, do the following in order

Cut out a piece of cardboard in the shape of a trapezium, to fit the dimensions of the Balaïtous

Fold the cardboard over the animal, as if it were a blanket. Position just behind the shoulder. The shoulder is the bone under St Andrew’s cross, on either side of the spine.

Mark the corners of the stick (where the straps will hang) with the letters A-B-C-D

Using a flexible tape measure, measure the A-B dimension by passing in front of the animal’s neck (for the front strap, known as the ‘breast collar’).

Using a flexible tape measure, measure the C-D dimension by passing behind the animal’s buttocks (for the rear strap, known as the ‘breeching’).

Mark the letters E-F in the centre of the stick. Using a flexible tape measure, measure the dimension E-F passing under the belly (for the strap under the belly, known as the ‘belly belt’).
Based on these measurements, use the table below to find the leather size (XS, S, M or L) that’s right for your animal.
If you’re not sure, send us your measurements by e-mail